Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Discover The Secrets Of Lucky People

You are about to discover the secrets of lucky people !

Is there really such a thing as good luck? Yes. You can use all kinds of other words to describe it. But whatever you call it, don't you agree that some people have more good things happen in their lives than others? Would you like to learn how to be one of those lucky people?

You've come to the right place !

Read this book and you'll understand why some people have more good luck than others. Apply the lessons to your own life, and you'll be one of those people. That's a promise - and it comes with a money-back guarantee.

What This Book Won't Do

This information is powerful - but only if you use it. You'll enjoy the lessons - there is some fascinating stuff here - but just reading them won't do much for you. You'll have to apply them to see results. Fortunately the author has made this "luck work" a bit easier for you (more on that in a moment).

What You'll Find In The Book

More than just a book, this is a true course in how to have good luck. Each lesson covers a principle of luck. Believe it or not, there has been some serious scientific research done on lucky people, and you'll read about it.

Even more important are the true good-luck stories you'll get. They demonstrate the principles in action, but they also make the lesson "stick" in your mind.

Then, after every chapter/lesson there are the exercises. These are designed to get you thinking like a lucky person. Do this easy "luck work" and you'll start to see results in days.

Here is some of what you'll get when you buy the book:

Imagine if someone just gave a money-making business to you? I know a couple that had this happen to them, and the book will tell you all about it in Lesson 4 of "Secrets Of Lucky People." You'll see why they were so lucky, and how you can have the same kind of luck.

Many years ago, a man won over $90,000 playing roulette in a little casino where the author of the book once worked.The author called the lottery winner up and met with him. He showed the author exactly what he did to have such good luck, and you will have the whole story in Lesson 9.

At a money-making seminar, the speaker asked "Who wants a hundred dollar bill?" A few people put up their hands. Many just laughed, thinking it was some kind of joke.
Then he pulled the bill from his pocket and asked who would come and get it. Out of hundreds in the audience, only a few approached the stage. He handed the bill to a woman.
Why did this particular woman get the hundred dollar bill? you will know why in Lesson 1.

The lesson is followed by an exercise you can do to create more luck like this woman had.

Also in Lesson 1 is the true story of a jerk who seemed to get a date with all the prettiest girls where he worked. You'll learn his secret to getting lucky.

Take Advantage Of Opportunities!

One of the crucial secrets of good luck is to take advantage of opportunities. This package is one of those opportunities - and if you don't agree, you can get your money back. Don't miss out on this.
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What Else Will You Get?

It has been said that "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." So how do you prepare for opportunity? That's what lesson 4 is about. You'll learn five specific steps you can take to be sure you have more good luck.

What did the "Surname Experiment" demonstrate about lucky people? Find out in Lesson 2.

3% of Yale graduates who did this ended up with more wealth than the other 97% put together. What is it, and how do you do it correctly? That's Lesson 27.

Does the way you look at things determine whether you'll have good luck or not? You bet it does! And in Lesson 8 there are two easy exercises that will change your perspective and bring you more luck.

In Lesson 7 you'll discover the secrets of lucky poker players.

Research on lucky people shows that they are more likely than others to make good decisions based on intuitive hunches. Lesson 11 will show you how to improve your intuition.

Lesson 12 has a great little story about how millionaire Richard Branson once turned bad luck into good luck. You'll see how you can do the same.

Worry and stress get in the way of good luck. See how you can overcome these in lesson 13. (There are some great new exercises here.)

Donald Trump advocates being a "tough optimist." Find out what this means in lesson 15, and why this approach makes you luckier. Also see how even a pessimist can quickly become optimistic.

What are "useful lies," and why are they so powerful? You'll discover this secret in Lesson 16.

What do creativity and non-conformity have to do with luck? How can you use these principles to win more money in a lottery? That secret is covered in Lesson 17.

A real estate investor flipped 14 houses for a profit one year - while working just 30 hours per week. The good luck principle he used is covered in Lesson 20.

For better luck, should you "go with the flow" or "take control?" Both, actually, and in lesson 21 you'll discover how to put this powerful approach to work for you.

Why was President Ronald Reagan so lucky? Find out one of the reasons in Lesson 22.

Why did Thomas Edison say, "I never did a day's work in my life."? find out in Lesson 23, and put this principle to work to make more money while having more fun.

Lesson 24 has a neat little mental "trick" that you can try today. It will give you new insight and better luck.

Lesson 30 is actually seven more short lessons on how to have good luck.

Are friends or acquaintances more likely to bring you good luck? Find out in Lesson 2.

How can basketball players improve their free throws without lifting a ball? Read about this research in Lesson 26, and see how you can apply this technique to improve your life.

What do unlucky people do to cause their bad luck? Find out in Lessons 28 and 29. Just stop these bad habits and your luck will improve almost immediately.

Can everyone be lucky? After ten years of research, professor Richard Wiseman identified two categories of people who couldn't improve their luck. Read Lesson 29 to see if you are in one of these groups. The good news is that you can choose to get out of these unlucky categories.

Think lucky people have some special advantages? In Lesson 19 you'll learn how a man who couldn't read or write made millions. Lucky people do have special advantages, and this book will make sure you have them too.

Free If You Order Today!
Get the following free bonuses if you order now

Bonus 1 - Luck Exercises Workbook
Train yourself to be lucky. There are 38 exercises here that you can print out and use to change your thinking. You'll quickly and easily start to develop the mindset of a lucky person.
This bonus is more valuable than you might realize. Sometimes you learn powerful new principles, but they just don't "stick," right? They will if you do these exercises. You'll be permanently programming your mind with the patterns of thought that lucky people have.

Bonus 2 - Special Report
This one is a surprise - one of my favorite e-books. The author has been selling it for over a year on another web site, and everyone likes this little book. I think it will be especially useful to readers of Secrets Of Lucky People.


Why not order now? You want more good luck, right? And you can see that there is more than just random chance operating in this universe, so why not try using these secrets of lucky people? Imagine a month from now, when friends start asking you "Why are you so lucky?"
This isn't just about making more money. You can use these lessons to get lucky in love, to invent new things, or even to catch more catfish. And guess what? You risk nothing, because if you're not satisfied, you get your money back.

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